Our news
Follow us on the social networks
Our videos
You can find us on Youtube:
- On the ECPAT France channel where we post our awareness campaigns, reports, tools or interviews.
- On the ECPAT ReACT channel initially created for the ReACT project (REinforcing Assistance to Child victims of Trafficking), co-funded by the European Commission. This channel gathers child-friendly tools translated for minors at rist or victim of trafficking and for professionals working with these minors.
Key websites
ECPAT International
ECPAT is a network composed of NGOs fighting against child sexual exploitation in more than 90 countries worldwide.
Tourism e-learning (coming soon)
This E-learning is aimed at professionals and tourism students to make them understand child sexual exploitation in travel and tourism. It will try to answer their questions and concerns.
Droit contre la traite (coming soon)
« Droit contre la traite » is a ressource website (publications, news, case law etc) on trafficking in human beings.
Contact us
You can contact us by email, phone or post.
By email
By phone
+33 (0)
By post
ECPAT France
40 avenue de l’Europe
93350 LE BOURGET Aéroport